在以前版本的ASP.NET MVC里,这些规则会被定义在RouteConfig.cs文件,也有扩展可以实现基于特性的路由,不过是收费滴,另外还有一个扩展: ,也很不错;理论上ASP.NET MVC 中要实现任意的规则URL 应该是没有问题的。
Attribute routing
ASP.NET MVC now supports , thanks to a contribution by Tim McCall, the author of . With attribute routing you can specify your routes by annotating your actions and controllers.
//HOTEL DETAIL routes.MapRoute(name: "HotelDetail", url: "hotel/{hotelCd}", defaults: new { controller = "Hotel", action = "HotelDetail" }, constraints: new { controller = "Hotel", hotelCd = @"[a-zA-Z0-9]*" } );
如果是要精确到数据是否准确,可以自定义的路由规则,实现 IRouteConstraint 接口,重写Match方法即可。
public class CityConstraint : IRouteConstraint { ////// 匹配二级城市的URL /// /// /// /// /// /// ///public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection) { try { if (values["cityName"] == null || values["cityName"].ToString().ContainsAny(new string[] { "home", "list", "hotel", "member", "activity", "ajax","alipay", "gift"})) { return false; } var city = CacheData.getCitys().Where(data => data.Pinyin.Equals(values["cityName"].ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList(); if (city == null || city.Count == 0) { return false; } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } routes.MapRoute( name: "HotelCity", url: "{cityName}/p{pageNo}", defaults: new { controller = "HotelSEO", action = "Hotel", pageNo = "1" }, constraints: new { cityName = new CityConstraint(), pageNo = @"\d+" } //constraints: new { cityName = @"(|shanghai|beijing|hefei|chuzhou)"} );
routes.MapRoute(name: "HotelMenu", url: "hotel/{*values}", defaults: new { controller = "Menu", action = "Index" } );
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); //启用特性路由 routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes(); routes.MapRoute( name: "Default", url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); }
// eg: /hotel // eg: /hotel/123456 [Route("hotel/{hotelCd?}")] public ActionResult View(string hotelCd) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hotelCd)) { return View("HotelDetail", GetHotelDetail(hotelCd)); } return View("HotelMenu", GetHotelCitys()); }
比如现在的会员页面,都是以user 开头的如
// eg: /user [Route("user")] public ActionResult Index() { ... } // eg: /user/5 [Route("user/{userId}")] public ActionResult Show(int userId) { ... } // eg: /user/5/edit [Route("user/{userId}/edit")] public ActionResult Edit(int userId) { ... }
[RoutePrefix("user")]public class userController : Controller{ // eg.: /user [Route] public ActionResult Index() { ... } // eg.: /user/5 [Route("{userId}")] public ActionResult Show(int userId) { ... } // eg.: /user/5/edit [Route("{userId}/edit")] public ActionResult Edit(int userId) { ... }}
如果有的时候需要重写路由规则,就加个波浪线 ~
[RoutePrefix("review")]public class ReviewController : Controller{ // eg.: /code-review [Route("~/code-review")] public ActionResult CodeView() { ... }}
[RoutePrefix("user")][Route("{action=Index}")]public class ReviewsController : Controller{ // eg.: /user public ActionResult Index() { ... } // eg.: /user/set public ActionResult Set() { ... } // eg.: /user/new public ActionResult New() { ... } // eg.: /user/edit/5 [Route("edit/{userId:int}")] public ActionResult Edit(int promoId) { ... }}
// eg: /users/5[Route("users/{id:int}"]public ActionResult GetUserById(int id) { ... }// eg: users/ken[Route("users/{name}"]public ActionResult GetUserByName(string name) { ... }
Constraint | Description | Example |
alpha | Matches uppercase or lowercase Latin alphabet characters (a-z, A-Z) | {x:alpha} |
bool | Matches a Boolean value. | {x:bool} |
datetime | Matches a DateTime value. | {x:datetime} |
decimal | Matches a decimal value. | {x:decimal} |
double | Matches a 64-bit floating-point value. | {x:double} |
float | Matches a 32-bit floating-point value. | {x:float} |
guid | Matches a GUID value. | {x:guid} |
int | Matches a 32-bit integer value. | {x:int} |
length | Matches a string with the specified length or within a specified range of lengths. | {x:length(6)} {x:length(1,20)} |
long | Matches a 64-bit integer value. | {x:long} |
max | Matches an integer with a maximum value. | {x:max(10)} |
maxlength | Matches a string with a maximum length. | {x:maxlength(10)} |
min | Matches an integer with a minimum value. | {x:min(10)} |
minlength | Matches a string with a minimum length. | {x:minlength(10)} |
range | Matches an integer within a range of values. | {x:range(10,50)} |
regex | Matches a regular expression. | {x:regex(^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$)} |
// eg: /users/5// but not /users/10000000000 because it is larger than int.MaxValue,// and not /users/0 because of the min(1) constraint.[Route("users/{id:int:min(1)}")]public ActionResult GetUserById(int id) { ... }
比如MS的这篇文章,大致可以配置成如下的路由规则: [Route("/b/webdev/archive/{year:regex(\\d{4})}")] [Route("/b/webdev/archive/{year:regex(\\d{4})}/{month:regex(\\d{1,2})}")] [Route("/b/webdev/archive/{year:regex(\\d{4})}/{month:regex(\\d{1,2})}/{day:regex(\\d{1,2})}/{slug}")] public ActionResult GetArchivePost(string year, string month,string day,string slug){ };
public class ValuesConstraint : IRouteConstraint{ private readonly string[] validOptions; public ValuesConstraint(string options) { validOptions = options.Split('|'); } public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection) { object value; if (values.TryGetValue(parameterName, out value) && value != null) { return validOptions.Contains(value.ToString(), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } return false; }}
public class RouteConfig{ public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); var constraintsResolver = new DefaultInlineConstraintResolver(); constraintsResolver.ConstraintMap.Add("values", typeof(ValuesConstraint)); routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes(constraintsResolver); }}
public class TemperatureController : Controller{ // eg: temp/celsius and /temp/fahrenheit but not /temp/kelvin [Route("temp/{scale:values(celsius|fahrenheit)}")] public ActionResult Show(string scale) { return Content("scale is " + scale); }}
[Route("menu", Name = "mainmenu")]public ActionResult MainMenu() { ... }
使用@Url.RouteUrl 生成一个超链接
其实这个问题与Spring是基于xml配置好,还是注解的方式好,具体还得看使用场景,每一种方式都有自己的优势与劣势,比如基于普通的路由可以自定义直接 的一些逻辑,基于特性的路由可以快速现实一个路由的实现。
// eg: /books/lang // eg: /books/lang/en // eg: /books/lang/he [Route("books/lang/{lang=en}")] public ActionResult Lang(string lang) { return View(); } [Route("~/attribute-routing-in-asp-net-mvc-5")] public ActionResult Hotel() { return Content("I'am mvc attribute route! "); }
Refer: What's New in ASP.NET MVC 5 What’s New in ASP.NET MVC 5.2